Every day we are faced with something new
to describe. This in turn, creates the need for new words and original
descriptions. That understood, the bombardment of all these additions,
has left the world with less time to bother with fashioning these
necessary words and phrases. Consequently, we give in to the laziness of
human nature, and merely bang two or more words together to make up a
new one.
Even so, with the increase of the use of
texting, spell check and social networking sites (where fast and furious
short-hand speak is the norm), our brave new world’s language is
beginning to change rapidly. Spelling
doesn’t seem to be important – as ‘apparently’ proved by a research
done by Cambridge University, and the necessary introduction of new
words to our vocabulary seem to be leaving a lot of us grammar nerds out in the cold.
With the age of short-hand words in general use (words like ‘asap,’ ‘natch.’ ‘pos,’ ‘info,’ ETA, fab and gorge, urgently spring to mind), spelling seems to be the last thing on our brains. Is spelling really important though? Take a look at the following paragraph found on the Cambridge University’s website.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in
waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht
the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a
toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae
the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a
My opinion is that, the only reason you could read this without a problem is because you know the correct spelling to begin with. In my opinion, learning correct spelling is important, for it’s only then, that you can know what the incorrect version looks like.
In light of the progressive situations creating the need for additional words, here are a few that you would find in newer dictionaries today. Have you used these before and can you spell them?
Abibliophobia | The fear of running out of reading material. | |||||
Absquatulate | To leave or abscond with something. | |||||
Allegator | Some who alleges. | |||||
Anencephalous | Lacking a brain. | |||||
Argle-bargle | A loud row or quarrel. | |||||
Batrachomyomachy | Making a mountain out of a molehill. | |||||
Billingsgate | Loud, raucous profanity. | |||||
Bloviate | To speak pompously or brag. | |||||
Blunderbuss | A gun with a flared muzzle or disorganized activity. | |||||
Borborygm | A rumbling of the stomach. | |||||
Boustrophedon | A back and forth pattern. | |||||
Bowyang | A strap that holds the pants legs in place. | |||||
Brouhaha | An uproar. | |||||
Bumbershoot | An umbrella. | |||||
Callipygian | Having an attractive rear end or nice buns. | |||||
Canoodle | To hug and kiss. | |||||
Cantankerous | Testy, grumpy. | |||||
Catercornered | Diagonal(ly). | |||||
Cockalorum | A small, haughty man. | |||||
Cockamamie | Absurd, outlandish. | |||||
Codswallop | Nonsense, balderdash. | |||||
Collop | A slice of meat or fold of flab. | |||||
Collywobbles | Butterflies in the stomach. | |||||
Comeuppance | Just reward, just deserts. | |||||
Crapulence | Discomfort from eating or drinking too much. | |||||
Crudivore | An eater of raw food. | |||||
Discombobulate | To confuse. | |||||
Donnybrook | An melee, a riot. | |||||
Doozy | Something really great. | |||||
Dudgeon | A bad mood, a huff. | |||||
Ecdysiast | An exotic dancer, a stripper. | |||||
Eructation | A burp, belch. | |||||
Fard | Face-paint, makeup. | |||||
Fartlek | An athletic training regime. | |||||
Fatuous | Unconsciously foolish. | |||||
Filibuster | Refusal to give up the floor in a debate to prevent a vote. | |||||
Firkin | A quarter barrel or small cask. | |||||
Flibbertigibbet | Nonsense, balderdash. | |||||
Flummox | To exasperate. | |||||
Folderol | Nonsense. | |||||
Formication | The sense of ants crawling on your skin. | |||||
Fuddy-duddy | An old-fashioned, mild-mannered person. | |||||
Furbelow | A fringe or ruffle. | |||||
Furphy | A portable water-container. | |||||
Gaberlunzie | A wandering beggar. | |||||
Gardyloo! | A warning shouted before throwing water from above. | |||||
Gastromancy | Telling fortune from the rumblings of the stomach. | |||||
Gazump | To buy something already promised to someone else. | |||||
Gobbledygook | Nonsense, balderdash. | |||||
Gobemouche | A highly gullible person. | |||||
Godwottery | Nonsense, balderdash. | |||||
Gongoozle | To stare at, kibitz. | |||||
Gonzo | Far-out journalism. | |||||
Goombah | An older friend who protects you. | |||||
Hemidemisemiquaver | A musical timing of 1/64. | |||||
Hobbledehoy | An awkward or ill-mannered young boy. | |||||
Hocus-pocus | Deceitful sleight of hand. | |||||
Hoosegow | A jail or prison. | |||||
Hootenanny | A country or folk music get-together. | |||||
Jackanapes | A rapscallion, hooligan. | |||||
Kerfuffle | An uproar, mild scandal. | |||||
Klutz | An awkward, stupid person. | |||||
La-di-da | An interjection indicating that something is pretentious. | |||||
Lagopodous | Like a rabbit's foot. | |||||
Lickety-split | As fast as possible. | |||||
Lickspittle | A servile person, a toady. | |||||
Logorrhea | Loquaciousness, talkativeness. | |||||
Lollygag | To move slowly, fall behind. | |||||
Malarkey | Nonsense, balderdash. | |||||
Maverick | A loner, someone outside the box. | |||||
Mollycoddle | To treat too leniently. | |||||
Mugwump | An independent politician who does not follow any party. | |||||
Mumpsimus | An outdated and unreasonable position on an issue. | |||||
Namby-pamby | Weak, with no backbone. | |||||
Nincompoop | A foolish person. | |||||
Oocephalus | An egghead. | |||||
Ornery | Mean, nasty, grumpy. | |||||
Pandiculation | A full body stretch. | |||||
Panjandrum | Someone who thinks himself high and mighty. | |||||
Pettifogger | A person who tries to befuddle others with his speech. | |||||
Pratfall | A fall on one's rear. | |||||
Quean | A disreputable woman. | |||||
Rambunctious | Aggressive, hard to control. | |||||
Ranivorous | Frog-eating | |||||
Rigmarole | Nonsense, unnecessary complexity. | |||||
Shenanigan | A prank, mischief. | |||||
Sialoquent | Spitting while speaking. | |||||
Skedaddle | To hurry somewhere. | |||||
Skullduggery | No good, underhanded dealing. | |||||
Slangwhanger | A loud abusive speaker or obnoxious writer. | |||||
Smellfungus | A perpetual pessimist. | |||||
Snickersnee | A long knife. | |||||
Snollygoster | A person who can't be trusted. | |||||
Snool | A servile person. | |||||
Tatterdemalion | A child in rags. | |||||
Troglodyte | Someone or something that lives in a cave. | |||||
Turdiform | Having the form of a lark. | |||||
Unremacadamized | Having not been repaved with macadam. | |||||
Vomitory | An exit or outlet. | |||||
Wabbit | Exhausted, tired, worn out. | |||||
Widdershins | In a contrary or counterclockwise direction. | |||||
Yahoo | A rube, a country bumpkin. | |||||
@ | The "at" sign. |
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